when might Twisp-Carlton Rd be safe again for bikes?

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when might Twisp-Carlton Rd be safe again for bikes?

Post by RandySea » Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:54 pm

The recent chip sealing has made the road unsafe. It goes from hard packed to gravel and back almost every few dozen feet. The curves are even potential skids for cars.

Anyone know if there is follow-up work that might improve the surface?

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Re: when might Twisp-Carlton Rd be safe again for bikes?

Post by tauren » Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:31 am

I just wrote it yesterday, all the way from Carlton to Twisp. I was on ebike with fatter tires, but it was fine. Passed by six cars or so one kicked up a rock that hit me, it didn’t hurt. I think they leave his gravel on the roads for a few weeks or more and then they sweep it. So probably another week to a couple weeks before it gets swept and would be gravel free.

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Re: when might Twisp-Carlton Rd be safe again for bikes?

Post by jennisue » Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:08 am

Sorry, I have to be negative
But Twisp Carlton it is never safe for bikes

It could be if you stayed in your own Lane and didn’t swerve all over the place, being mindful of the blind corners staying out of the middle of the road. There is no side of the road, which is unfortunate. The list could go on of the issues.
One major concern is the parents with these little kids are not watching them as they tag along behind and it’s concerning

Yes, I know the rules of the road , but if there was more respects of the couple ton vehicles that are driving around you, it would be much appreciated

Twisp Carlton Road has safety issues besides bikes…just have to be cautious of every corner.

People love to park and stop directly in the middle of the road on blind corners get out of the car and start taking pictures. It’s OK to pull over. We don’t mind

Have a great day be safe

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