Looking for Kitty (Old Time Photos)

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Posts: 418
Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:27 pm

Looking for Kitty (Old Time Photos)

Post by mvcc » Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:15 pm

The Methow Valley Community Center is trying to contact Kitty, of Kitty's Old Time Photos, but we do not have contact info for her! We are actually trying to contact her husband who purchased some items at the April Tools Sale. We need him to pick up his items soon but we don't know how to contact him.

Can the hive come to our aid? If you have the name and phone number of Kitty's husband, please contact Kirsten at 509.997.2926 and leave a message. Or tell him to stop by soon.

We're also looking for a few volunteers to help staff the Twisp Visitor Center. Let us know if you have a few hours here and there.

Thank you, community!

Posts: 141
Joined: Sun May 01, 2011 5:30 pm

Re: Looking for Kitty (Old Time Photos)

Post by TomZ » Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:30 pm

Tom will be down to talk to you Monday.

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