Yellow Jackets / Wasps

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Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by micahalyn » Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:30 pm

We have been dealing with a lot of yellow jackets and wasps.

We have found many nests and destroyed them but we are still being swarmed by wasps.

Does anyone have any tips on how to mitigate this issue?

Thanks :)

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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by cwesthoff40 » Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:05 pm

I use Harvest Valley Pest Control, we haven't had a wasp or yellow jacket issue since.


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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by Slade » Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:07 pm

Wasp traps/yellow jacket traps work, but you want to keep them located as far away from where you will be as practical. You should also look for what is attracting them, such as open garbage or a water source.


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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by Reapward » Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:42 pm

Traps do work but they also may attract yellow jackets from afar. We had 2 out away from the house and within a day we had to empty them and then again and again. We took them down thinking we were attracting more, but then they got in the compost bin. Put the traps back up and no more in the compost bin. Also there are yellow jacket only traps and those that will trap wasps and yellow jackets. It's is the worst I've ever seen. We have a nest below the garden that we tried spraying with almost a whole can of killer spray. They are still there. I can live with them there but only work in the garden early in the morning.
Also put the traps out in the spring after frost, to get the queens. That's when they come out.
A professional, like Harvest Valley may be your best bet.
I am trying to wait it out til a frost.
Pearl Cherrington

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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by moose » Fri Aug 30, 2024 4:00 pm

I used many (15) Yellowjacket traps with cooked salmon for bait. It seemed to get the ones that are the trouble makers. I also made a super large trap utilizing a clear storage bin with a colored lid. Using it upside down, I drilled a proper hole in the storage bin lid that received the bottom/lid part of the trap, and then I siliconed it in place, and I discarded the remaining container part of the trap. I attached some legs to keep it about a foot off the ground. There is no way it will need to be emptied for a long time. I like to have both options for different situations. If anyone wants a pic of my custom box send me a text with a message’trap pic please’
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Joe Frey

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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by karlukkid » Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:11 am

I have consistently used traps for ten years. The first few years I would fill 2 to 3 of the plastic bag traps full. The past two years I have gone to the re-bailable traps. This year I have caught under ten wasps total. I think consistency is the secret. Bruce Herron Wolf Creek
Bruce Herron Wolf Creek

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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by Reapward » Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:22 pm

Here is what we are noticing now with the traps that are baited with the pheromone. They are not attracted to it. So, we do notice they are in a feeding frenzy, it seems. So this evening we are switching to the gourmet dinner of the cooked salmon.
Stay tuned.
Pearl Cherrington

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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by joe_b » Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:56 pm

I’m having the same experience with my yellow jackets.
Three days ago, I emptied my traps and put fresh attractant in. Four traps were more than half full by the end of the day. Over the next two days, Interest dropped off dramatically.
I emptied them all again yesterday and I have not caught one single yellow jacket.
I’ve got cooked salmon out there now with apple juice and extra sugar, and they are going for it.
One trick I have learned is, when a trap is full and active and many more are swarming it, I place a large glass jar that I have, over the top, And if there is a good seal and moisture in the trap, all the occupants are dead in about 20 minutes. (steamed to death, I guess)
Then I can dispose of them and make room for more “customers“.

I would be lying if I said, I wasn’t enjoying the carnage.

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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by Reapward » Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:40 pm

I go out early in the morning to empty, that is when they were full. I just take trap and all, unscrew the bait recepticle and put the trap in a bucket of water. It is sure creepy to see them all squirming in there, but I know they can't get to me.
Joe Frey says he has a large contraption so he doesn't have to empty it as much.
I hope after we put the salmon bait in that we will have a full trap by Tues.
They are feeding on my pepper and eggplant leaves in my hoop house, I am assuming on tiny insects like aphids, etc. I hope to lure them away to the trap. I wish they knew that if they didn't try to sting me, I would leave them alone, but I know that is not the case.
Pearl Cherrington

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Re: Yellow Jackets / Wasps

Post by navisradwick1 » Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:49 pm

If you go to N40 they have fly sticks that are orange and sticky They really work. Put old meat trays under and they will land on them. Flies and yellow jackets.

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