BOCC update for July 15, 2024, Agenda for week of July 22, 2024

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BOCC update for July 15, 2024, Agenda for week of July 22, 2024

Post by emily_sisson » Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:51 am

You can receive your weekly updates via email by signing up at The weekly updates contain links to our complete notes for each meeting.

Summaries from last week:
Monday, July 15, 2024 AM
• Pete Palmer, Planning Director explains the history of how a meat packing plant in the county came to require a conditional use permit.
• Arturo Ramon Ramirez, Probation Officer, and Darla Schreckengast, District Court Administrator discuss the possibility of charging the county’s municipalities for probation services, just as they charge the municipalities for jail and prosecution services. Many counties in western Washington already do this.
• Pete Palmer returns to discuss ten parcels which are out of compliance with shoreline and floodplain regulations. The Department of Ecology wants them brought into compliance or it will refer the matter to FEMA, possibly making it harder for county residents to get flood insurance. They also discuss Ecology’s proposed revisions to the County Code.
• Commissioners adjourn for lunch at 12:27.

Monday, July 15, 2024 PM
• Definition of airports and airstrips discussed; both will be allowed on R20 designations under conditional use permit instead of just airstrips, to allow for commercial spraying or freight hauling
• Congressional candidate Tiffany Smiley makes campaign stop.
• Commissioners recommend petroleum plants and propane/natural gas storage be allowed on R20s only as conditional use.
• Density for multi-family dwellings determined on case-by-case basis by Public Health.
• Conditional use recommended on R160s for cement, lime and gypsum plants, carbonate plants, nightly rentals.
• Portable sawmills should be conditional, not permitted use, says Commissioner Branch. Farms added back into neighborhood commercial category, lot coverage discussed
• Noxious Weeds update:
o chief signals thistle on county. property: Grainger Building, Spring Coulee and fairgrounds, gets go-ahead to act fast;
o shortage of commercial applicators;
o last year’s milfoil treatment cut Osoyoos levels by more than half, preparations started for this year’s;
o Bonapart Lake awaiting funding for treatment,
o Leader Lake more clogged up than ever.
• Meeting adjourned at 4:09.

The commissioners did not meet on Tuesday.

AGENDA for the upcoming week:
Monday, July 22, 2024
Join Zoom Audio and Video Meeting ID: 852 4301 9263
Join by phone Audio Only• +1 253 215 8782 Meeting ID: 852 4301 9263
9:00 AM Review Commissioners Agenda and Consent Agenda
9:05 AM Briefing Among Commissioners - Discuss Individual Weekly Meetings & Schedule
9:15 AM Public Comment Period
9:30 AM Commissioner’s Staff Meeting - Commissioners Hearing Room
10:30 AM Discussion Sheriff’s Budget – Shelley Keitzman, Auditor, Undersheriff – Commissioners’ Hearing Rm
11:30 AM Discussion WSU Extension Office – Kayla Wells Yoakum – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
1:30 PM Executive Session RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) Potential Risk of Litigation – Commissioners’ Hearing Rm
2:00 PM Discussion Carelon Agreement – Esther Milner – Commissioners’ Hearing Room

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Join Zoom Audio & Video Meeting ID: 885 9146 9116 Or
Join Audio Only: +1 253 205 0468 Meeting ID: 885 9146 9116
9:00 AM Review Meeting Minutes July 1 & 2 and July 8 & July 15 2024
9:15 AM Public Comment Period
9:30 AM Public Hearing Budget supplemental Appropriation Non-Dept Consolidated Homeless Grant
9:35 AM Update Human Resources/Risk Management – Shelley Keitzman – Commissioners’’ Hearing Room
10:00 AM Discussion Priority Ordinances – Esther Milner – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
11:00 AM Public Hearing Utility Franchise – Colville Tribes IT – Fiber Lines- PW Jo Ann Stansbury
To Follow Update Public Works – Engineer Josh Thomson – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
1:30 PM Board of Health Special Meeting
3:30 PM Consent Agenda
1. Agreement – 2024 Fair Entertainment - Ticket Tomato
2. Letter – Cannabis Operations Disapproval - WSLCB
3. Participation & Release Agreement – Opioid Settlement - Kroger
3:35 PM Approve Meeting Minutes July 1 & 2 and July 8 & July 15 2024
3:45 PM Commissioners to set Wednesday’s Agenda

State, Community and Other Meetings or Notices
(Meetings in this section may not be opened to the public, however a Commissioner may attend one or all of these meetings. Meetings that more than one Commissioner attend will be noted above. Location of meeting will follow meeting name.)

Monday July 22, 2024
7:00 PM Planning Commission Meeting. Watch live at AVCapture at
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 958 6427 6891
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,95864276891# US (Tacoma)
+12532050468,,95864276891# US

Wednesday July 24, 2024
8:00 AM Board of Equalization Reconvene
11:00 AM Economic Alliance Meeting Virtual
4:00 PM Noxious Weed Board Meeting – Public Works Building – 1234 Second Ave S Okanogan

Thursday July 25, 2024
8:30 AM Juvenile Family Therapeutic Courts – Godira Yadi, Belinda Brown Raub – Commissioners’ Hearing

Friday July 26, 2024
11:00 AM COG (Council of Governments) Meeting – Lincoln County Courthouse – Davenport WA

July 31 Community Action Council Meeting – Community Action
Aug 01 FAC (Fair Advisory Committee) Meeting – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Note: All times, are estimates to assist in scheduling and may be changed subject to the business of the day at the board’s discretion. The board may add and/or delete and take any action on any item not included in the above agenda. The board may act upon any subject placed on the agenda regardless of how the matter is stated. All matters listed within the consent agenda have been distributed to each member of the board to read and study. The items are considered routine and will be enacted on by one motion by the commissioners with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, then that item may be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda by request. Items discussed during Citizen Comment Period shall be limited only for issues not otherwise on the Agenda or scheduled discussion topics.
Emily Sisson

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