ISO: Silver Bubble Wrap/ Scrap Insulation Pieces

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ISO: Silver Bubble Wrap/ Scrap Insulation Pieces

Post by TahoeTink » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:28 am


I'm looking for material to use as insulation that can get wet and go outside such as:

-Pieces of the silver-backed bubble wrap, like the kind that they send the pre-made meals in or sell on rolls.

- Insulation that look like traditional insulation fibers but is made of #1 plastic. Usually sent with meals or as padding for merchandise.

-Bubble wrap: Looking for longer or larger pieces.

-Rigid insulation: Looking for pieces larger that 2x2 feet. Thicker preferred but not necessary

-Open to other things as well...

Let me know what you have!
I can give it another life before recycling or the trash. :)


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