Looking for something COOL to do Monday night? CANDIDATE FORUM @ Grange

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Posts: 89
Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:12 pm

Looking for something COOL to do Monday night? CANDIDATE FORUM @ Grange

Post by wendel » Thu Jul 18, 2024 2:22 pm

These local LOCAL PRIMARY RACES are IMPORTANT. All seven candidates for the two state legislature positions we will be voting on - will be there. The PUD Commissioners are also on the agenda this evening.

To those who turned out years ago for a Summer Primary Forum with ice blocks in front of fans to try to cool off the Grange Hall - those days are long gone. We have a COOL building now!

MONDAY JULY 22 - FORUM 6:30 - 8 pm - doors will open @ 6 pm for Meet & Greet
TWISP VALLEY GRANGE - 344 W 2nd Avenue

> Candidates for State Legislature
District 7 position 1:
> Andrew Engel
> Teagan Levine
> Soo Ing-Moody
District 7 position 2:
> Hunter Abell
> Pat Bell
> Rocky Dean
> Ronald McCoy
> Candidates for PUD Commissioner - District 2
> Bill Colyar
> Tony Haley
> Lauren McCloy
> Wayne Stevie
> Light refreshments provided by the grange

Posts: 89
Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:12 pm

Re: Looking for something COOL to do Monday night? CANDIDATE FORUM @ Grange

Post by wendel » Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:03 pm


Mail-in Ballots will arrive in the mail soon.

We hope for a good turn out to meet these eleven candidates and to see them in action on the stage of the grange. This can understandably be stressful - which makes this forum valuable to us as voters - to see how well they can communicate.

If you cannot see this forum in person - we will have it recorded.
Please check out twispvalleygrange.org following the forum.

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