108 Sun Salutations and Sound Bath. Let's move together!

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Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:17 pm

108 Sun Salutations and Sound Bath. Let's move together!

Post by Skyler » Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:55 pm

Celebrate the longest day of the year with this special summer solstice practice, consisting of 108 sun salutations followed by an extended savasana with a live sound bath.

The sun salutations will be split into four sections of 27, each interspersed with a rest posture.

Why 108? It's revered as an important number in mathematics, geometry, and many other disciplines. But, it also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth: The average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their respective diameters.

Sound intimidating!?!

Think of it like your 10,000 steps. Take it at your own pace. Break it up as needed. Rest when you want.

What's amazing is how your body and mind respond... almost like the sun repositions itself from the center of the solar system to the center of you. The feeling is brilliance! The perfect combination of strength, focus, aliveness, and calm!

And, my goodness....you'll never have felt so relaxed laying in that sound bath savasana!!!

Kellie Moore will guide us through the sun salutes and Sharea Holcomb will offer the sound bath.

Join us!
Thursday, June 20


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