Twisp Valley Grange "Potlucks with a Purpose" are back

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Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:52 am

Twisp Valley Grange "Potlucks with a Purpose" are back

Post by twispgrange » Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:19 am

The popular Potlucks with a Purpose are back. Please join us Wednesday, 25 September, to share community and food, and for an informative session on making pizza at home. Jim Clement and Barb Schneider will share their techniques for making delicious pizza at home. This will be a demonstration with samples of freshly prepared pizza. Doors open at 5:30 pm, eat at 6:00 pm, with the program starting shortly after 6:00 pm. Please bring food to share. Plates, utensils, and water will be provided. Free and open to the public. All Welcome. Twisp Valley Grange, 344 W. 2nd Ave, Twisp. Website for additional events:

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