Twisp PO

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Twisp PO

Post by klikitarik » Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:19 pm

I can overlook the crappy roads and the rundown rest stops that haven’t been updated since the 60’s. The dilapidated, un- painted and outdated bridges from the 30’s. The hordes of homeless people roaming most cities. The endless phone trees that lead to nowhere when calling a federal office. But God dammit when the USPO takes on a contract with UPS to deliver a parcel from the Twisp PO and fails time and time again and then maintains everything is working just fine… that really is starting to piss me off.

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Re: Twisp PO

Post by LHR » Fri Aug 02, 2024 1:53 pm

Yes. Me too. And several times returned as "unknown."

in the cedars
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Re: Twisp PO

Post by in the cedars » Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:21 pm

YES. Same here. I have gotten stuck with paying the shipping to get a package re-sent a couple times. Ridiculous.

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Re: Twisp PO

Post by connieburke » Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:25 pm

Add me to the list of people unhappy with the post office. We don't even get mail delivery to our location, so I have to go pick up ridiculously heavy boxes from the PO. My mother-in-law lives in Seattle, and her mail is delivered through a slot in her backdoor. How do we both pay the same postage price, yet I have a "free" post office box that only holds a few envelopes, so l have to go during the hours they're open for everything else? I don't live in a remote location, I live above Hank's right in town.

With this new service contract, the street address and PO box must be included, or the Post Office will send it back. But trying to get online systems to take both together is nearly impossible, so I resort to ways to add the PO BOX without actually calling it a PO Box.

Last month, $15k in medicine had to be replaced because it was delivered to the post office on a Saturday. The ice didn't make it through Tuesday when I realized they had changed it from UPS to UPS/USPS delivery. I tried to get the online pharmacy to understand that they must return to sending it end-to-end UPS, or this would happen again. They had no clue what I was talking about.

If the Post Office would at least deliver to us, we'd have a chance to get things delivered in a timely manner. I have signed up for the USPS notification app, but it's usually wrong. I use Route now to get a more accurate idea of what's on its way and what's waiting at the PO for pickup.
Connie Burke - Twisp

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Re: Twisp PO

Post by karlukkid » Sun Aug 04, 2024 5:02 am

It is frustrating that may of the online services we use to purchase items software does not manage the fact that our billing address is not our physical address. This is because we have a PO box. So,, I frequently have to pick up packages at the Winthrop post office and be admonished for not having the proper address on the package even though I made every effort, and it appeared that I had properly entered the information. Bruce Herron Wolf Creek
Bruce Herron Wolf Creek

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Re: Twisp PO

Post by icreate81 » Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:15 am

I put my PO box number between my first and last name. Works. They've done a great job of getting the packages to me, before that not so much.
Mark Easton

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Re: Twisp PO

Post by Reapward » Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:18 am

I put my PO right after my name. It looks like part of my name. Then physical address separate. This is if I don't know the shipper. It's been working for me.
Also a former administration appointment has something to do with it. Louis DeJoy-no experience with the PO. Wikipedia gives a good run down on him.
Our local PO workers have no control over these policies. They stand on their feet all day long, lift sometimes heavy packages and deal with sometimes cranky people. I praise their efforts and they are most patient.
Pearl Cherrington

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Re: Twisp PO

Post by muchaloza54 » Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:49 am

Amazon keeps adding an unknown po box number after the zip on some packages I receive from them. I have not been able to get this cleared up. That number does not appear on any of my addresses on my Amazon account. Luckily the Winthrop PO is pretty good about knowing the difference.
Agnes Almquist

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Re: Twisp PO

Post by Jegg » Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:32 pm

I love the Twisp post office staff.
Jeff Brown

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Re: Twisp PO

Post by TahoeTink » Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:23 am

I love them too!

As someone who has worked in a post office, I know how hard of a job it is. They work long hours doing repetitive motion work to make sure your mail is delivered and they do the best they can. They stay until it's done no matter how late and then go help other post offices if needed.

Did you know that the post office has to fund pensions 70 years out? That means they are funding pensions for people that aren't even born yet? They have been made to do this by our lawmakers to make it seem like the post office is failing as a business. Because of this, they are short-staffed, over-burdened, and over-worked.

The post office is totally self sustaining financially and they are being gutted so that it can be privatized like many other social services such as public schools and prisons.

It's not the post's our lawmakers. Call your representative. Vote for things and people that protect our public services.

Taxes suck but they provide all the services that are aging and failing that were mentioned in the first post. Vote for people who will make corporations and the uber-wealthy to pay their share. Stop the tax breaks and incentives for corporations that are turning record profits.

Vote. Call your representative.
There are avenues to being heard.

Hope everyone has a great day!


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