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BOCC update for Sept. 9 & 10, 2024, Agenda for week of Sept. 16, 2024

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:42 am
by emily_sisson
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The emails have links to the complete notes for each meeting.

Monday, September 9, 2024 AM & PM
• Ms. Jackson comments about her daughter being harassed at the fair by the boyfriend of someone who has been previously served with a protection order. She says the protection order has been broken 11 times, but no one will take it seriously.
• Pete Palmer, Planning Director, says the zone code revision will soon be ready for its comment period. The commissioners ask her to make a press release in hopes that the papers will all carry the story. The press release will be in addition to a legal notice. Palmer is also ready to start the process to update the Shorelines Management Plan.
• Nick Bates had a busy week during the fair. He reported that the barn managers did exceptional jobs in managing their barns.
• Commissioners meet with members of the Homeless Housing Coalition to discuss drawing up a strategic plan to deal with homelessness in the county. Commissioner Branch says a good plan will take a lot of work to develop.
• Commissioners meet in executive session for 35 minutes under RCW 40.32.110(1)(i), potential litigation with the sheriff, the undersheriff, one more person from the sheriff’s department, Shelley Keitzman (Human Resources and Risk Management) and Esther Milner (Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor.
• Commissioners meet in executive session for 30 minutes under RCW 40.32.110(1)(i), potential litigation with Albert Lin (County Prosecutor) Shelley Keitzman and Esther Milner.
• Meeting adjourns for the day at 2:48.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 AM
• Public Comment: Ruth Hall comments on the County Fair and expresses criticism regarding not taking cash for admission, at certain gates.
• Public Hearing regarding purchase of 3 vehicles for the Sheriffs' Office from Juvenile for $84,000.00 • Discussion: working with municipalities on infrastructure and annexations
• 2 executive sessions 45-minute average each – RCW 42.30.110(l)(i) potential/ongoing litigation
• Solid Waste Update:
o Will purchase paper composting bag instead of using plastic,
o Landfill only takes small batteries, non-alkaline batteries need to be recycled,
o Grant for reducing methane gas.
• Public Works Update:
o Boulder Creek Road, Siwash Creek Road,
o has results of speed study on Johnson Creek Road – 80% of cars go 53 mph. BOCC not inclined to change the speed, but request enforcement of current speed.
o Discussed speed limit in front of Liberty Bell High School.
o Bureau of Reclamation to be hauling some gravel to Buckmiller Road for dam work in Conconully.
o Meeting recessed at 12:17.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Board of Health meeting
• Maria Hines reports food council’s assessment surveys “going viral” already in early phase of distribution, expects to exceed goal of 384 turned in; WSU extension and Colville tribes particpating; will raffle off $100 visa gift certificates to incentivize.
• Funds approved for strategic planning/succession planning ($41,000, a recurring bill), consolidated contract amended to increase support for vaccinations, a weight improvement project, other foundational services, total contract after amendments: $8M; food council funding increased to $20,000 annually for three years.
• Board being audited by state for $28,000 fee, engagement letter signed.
• Immunization campaign aimed at school aged children; campaign started for detection of lead levels in blood, maybe traceable to pesticides in marijuana cultivation
• Health officer reports measle, pertussis, chicken pox and vaccine-preventable pneumonia outbreaks in Washington and neighboring states; still looking to reduce number of out-of-county hospital transfers, improve and expand treatment in local facilities

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, BOCC PM
• Sheriff’s office to hire additional grant-funded core outreach specialist.
• Photocopier contract with Xerox not only more expensive than originally thought but company refuses to address malfunction issues.
• Community Wildfire Protection Plan draft finished, awaits feedback from Board, public comment and public hearing.
• Meeting adjourned at 4:06.

AGENDA for the week of September 16
Monday, September 16, 2024
Join Zoom Audio and Video Meeting ID: 852 4301 9263
Join by phone Audio Only• +1 253 215 8782 Meeting ID: 852 4301 9263
9:00 AM Review Commissioners Agenda and Consent Agenda
9:05 AM Briefing Among Commissioners - Discuss Individual Weekly Meetings & Schedule
9:15 AM Public Comment Period
9:30 AM Commissioner’s Staff Meeting

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Join Zoom Audio & Video Meeting ID: 885 9146 9116 Or
Join Audio Only: +1 253 205 0468 Meeting ID: 885 9146 9116
9:00 AM Review Meeting Minutes September 9 &10, 2024
9:15 AM Public Comment Period
9:30 AM Fully Allocate ARPA funding
10:00 AM Finance Committee Meeting – Treasurer Pam Johnson
11:00 AM Continued Public Hearing Franchise Ziply fiber – Public Works
11:05 AM Update Public Works – Engineer Josh Thomson
1:45 PM Bid Opening Sheriff Equipment Coroner Storage Building – Mike Worden
2:00 PM Update Human Resources/Risk Management – Shelley Keitzman
2:30 PM Consent Agenda
1. Approve - Cattleguard Franchise renewals – Public Works Helm CGF#56-73; WDFW CGF#N-152A; LaMoyne CGF#N-243; LaMoyne CGF#7-79; Williams CGF#7-74; Williams CGF#8-74; J/W Ranch CGF#12-74; J/W Ranch CGF# 13-74; Lone Wolf Ranch CGF#N-192B
2. Agenda Bill – Approve Use of County Credit Card for Food - LTAC
3. Contract E25-055 - WA 911 Equipment – Wa State Military Department
4. Interlocal Agreement – Clerk Training Assistance – Walla Walla County
5. Employment Agreement – CORE Outreach Specialist – Diedrika Burrington
2:35 PM Approve Meeting Minutes September 9 & 10, 2024
2:45 PM Commissioners to set Wednesday’s Agenda

State, Community and Other Meetings or Notices
(Meetings in this section may not be opened to the public, however a Commissioner may attend one or all of these meetings. Meetings that more than one Commissioner attend will be noted above. Location of meeting will follow meeting name.)

Wednesday September 18, 2024
8:30 AM Trango Meeting – 303 2nd Ave S Ste A, Okanogan
1:00 PM Interviews - Maintenance Supervisor - Commissioners' Conference Room

Thursday September 19, 2024
8:30 AM Juvenile Family Therapeutic Courts – Yadi Godina, Belinda Brown Raub – Commissioners’ Hearing Rm
11:00 AM Civil Service Meeting – Commissioners’ Conference Room

Friday September 20, 2024
9:30 AM Special LTAC (Lodging Tax Advisory Committee) Meeting – Commissioners’ Hearing Room

Sept 23 Discussion Okanogan County ATV & WATV’s DNR & Senator Short
Sept 23 Planning Commission Meeting -Zoom Link
Sept 24 Public Hearing Budget supplemental Appropriation Parks & Rec Fund 125 – Loomis Kiosk Survey
Sept 24 Public Hearing Budget Supplemental Appropriation CE Clerk Training
Sept 24 Department Head Quarterly Meeting – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Sept 25 Economic Alliance Meeting – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Sept 25 Noxious Weed Board Meeting – 1234 2nd Ave S, Okanogan
Sept 25 Community Action Council Meeting – 424 2nd Ave S, Okanogan
Sept 26 Juvenile Family Therapeutic Courts – Yadi Godina, Belinda Brown Raub – Commissioners’ Rm
Sept 26 DNR Land Auction – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Sept 27 LTAC (Lodging Tax Advisory Committee) Meeting Presentations – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Sept 27 COG (Coalition of Governments) Meeting – Lincoln County Courthouse – Davenport WA

Note: All times, are estimates to assist in scheduling and may be changed subject to the business of the day at the board’s discretion. The board may add and/or delete and take any action on any item not included in the above agenda. The board may act upon any subject placed on the agenda regardless of how the matter is stated. All matters listed within the consent agenda have been distributed to each member of the board to read and study. The items are considered routine and will be enacted on by one motion by the commissioners with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, then that item may be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda by request. Items discussed during Citizen Comment Period shall be limited only for issues not otherwise on the Agenda or scheduled discussion topics.