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Interior architect/designer?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:23 pm
by melbrumer
Hi, we are wanting to turn our attached garage into a livable space. We have lots of ideas and have gotten a quote already for the basic work, but we don't have an actual design.

We've never done a project like this before and I'm wondering: at what point do we need a design and who usually does the design? I could draw some ideas fairly well on paper, but I know that's not sufficient :D

If anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to hear them! We want to love the space.


Re: Interior architect/designer?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 3:05 pm
by Solstice
Hello Mel,

I'm not trying to discourage finding someone to design your project but you might try exploring designing it yourself. There are numerous free or almost-free software programs available and there is also the tried and true technique of setting out the project the old fashioned way on graph paper. Most of the hurdles will be making sure your living space meets all current building and zoning codes for the municipality/county it is located in and that the plans you submit are in order.

If it were a more complicated project, I can understand your reticence but turning an attached garage into "livable space" might be reasonably straight forward. I'm a bit curious how you've come up with a quote from a builder/contractor before you actually have specific plans in place. Usually, it's the other way around.

Re: Interior architect/designer?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:54 am
by melbrumer
I'm confused by the process as well, Jim :D

Can you recommend a specific free software? I'm definitely open to that and curious. My main hesitation is that the design won't end up being "smart" enough to serve all the functions we want it to, or that I may not think of something obvious as far as the order of operations and end up incurring an avoidable extra cost down the line, if that makes sense.


Re: Interior architect/designer?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:38 am
by Solstice
Hi again Mel,

You should definitely talk to the planner/permitting department of the municipality or location of your project first. They should be able to give you some initial guidance on what you'll need to submit your plans and and for the permit to be approved before you start. There's definitely a sequence to even a simple building project but it always begins with a set of plans (site, foundation, elevations, structural, electrical, plumbing, etc.).

I just googled "free interior design software" and dozens of examples came up. And don't forget youtube. Maybe just start sketching out some ideas on paper and you might find out you're as smart as you need to be to get underway. An attached garage sounds like a blank canvass but, depending on your ultimate goals, it could be more complicated than I'm imagining it.

Good luck!

Re: Interior architect/designer?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:23 pm
by cwesthoff40
In my experience as a Design Engineer, one of the important things to get squared away before you put lead to paper or mouse to CAD is to get the format requirements from which jurisdiction you are going to have your design reviewed at. Some jurisdictions are easy and a rough sketch on a bar napkin will do while others want a whole lot more. Knowing how what you want to design needs to look like for the reviewer eliminates the pain of a moving target and revisions. Knowing how much detail you will need to provide can also help you with deciding which platform to use, lead and paper or mouse and CAD. I hope this helps out a little :)


Re: Interior architect/designer?

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:39 am
by Randman
Hi, I am a local design/build company and could help you with your design whether it be just questions to help you thru the process or do your design work for you. Feel free to call with any questions. Randy @ 541-410-5500

Re: Interior architect/designer?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:52 am
by maremare
I hand drew my house plans; electrical, roofing, sections & utility layouts, Okanagon County Building dept pointed out a couple of things I needed to tweek on my plan & I had no problem getting my building permit. I was quoted from $2,400. to 30k in the valley for a set of house plans. I learned hand drafting well before AutoCAD or SketchUp. I was however under the impression that I had to have "someone" draw up my house plans, however that is not true. You will know your house well drawing it out by hand.

Re: Interior architect/designer?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:16 am
by cwesthoff40
Plus if you take the time on your manual drafting you'll have a set of prints to frame that will make for a proud conversation piece mounted on a wall of your build :)
