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BOCC update for July 22 & 23, 2024, Agenda for week of July 29, 2024

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:19 am
by emily_sisson
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Monday, July 22, 2024 AM & PM
• Pete Palmer, Director of Planning and the commissioners discuss creating a position for someone creating and administering a county water bank. Palmer mentions that climate change is real and the county should plan for it.
• The commissioners and the Sheriff’s Office will end the hiring bonus because all the patrol officer positions are filled. They also discuss creating a new position to cover the north county because several years ago, Tonasket contracted with the Sheriff’s Office to provide policing services.
• The commissioners and Kayla Wells Yoakum of WSU Extension discuss creating a new half-time position to recruit volunteers and then, when there are enough volunteers to run the programs, recruit young people to enroll in the programs. The position would be funded by grants, not the county.
• The commissioners hold a 30-minute executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)—potential litigation, inviting Esther Milner, Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor, Pete Palmer and Rocky Robbins of the Planning Department.
• The commissioners decide to talk to Pete Palmer next week about appointing members to advisory committees for Subunits B and C.
• Meeting was adjourned for the day at 2:14.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024, AM
• Public Comment: Ruth Hall asks if the recent Supreme Court decision affects the Opioid Settlement monies for the Counties. CB: Those monies are already distributed to the Counties. BOCC in contact with the contractor, Carolane, for the Opioid Settlement monies.
• Budget Supplemental Hearing for $301.530 to go to Community Action Council for Operating Crisis Response – Homeless grant.
• HR/Risk Management: Upcoming changes for exempt employees, vision coverage will need to be purchased separately.
• Two Executive Sessions regarding possible litigation.
• Public Works:
o County chip seal project nearing completion,
o Heat systems in new shops may need to go out for new bids,
o Will start advertising for reconstruction on Public Works building,
o 6 year plan list to be scheduled for public hearing,
o A lot of fires the last couple of days. Peter Dan Road closed due to fire.
• Board recesses at 11:45 AM.

Tuesday, June, 23, 2024, Board of Health
• Satisfied with previous work force development session, board to use foundational funds to pay for Pilot Rock Consultating to do staff training, individual staff coaching and succession planning
• Village Reach doing community health assessment for seniors with mixed results, relieving board epidemiologist who left health district to work for state.
• Motion of understanding passed for one-time $20,000 allocation to the Community Coalition for youth prevention; they will also analyze a youth survey
• Covid cases, hospitalizations “bumping up” like every summer but cases “not severe”
• Hospital visits for heart and lung ailments up as Pioneer, Easy, Miners, Swawila and Bridge Creek fires burn on; Health Officer Wallace lists clean air strategies for back- to-school season; air filters distributed to neediest residents
• Okanogan biggest user of hospital transfer program, health system crippled by staffing shortages, EMS limitations; broader discussion needed
• Additional environmental health position approved
• Blue Sky Minds’ food assessment and food council gaining momentum, sparking enthusiasm from other counties

Tuesday, June 23, 2024 BOCC PM
• Planning’s permit-tracking software not fulfilling expectations; programs created “in house” already provide interactive maps, should soon show issuance of permits in real time
• Cannabis operation to receive disapproval letter
• Waterproofing for courthouse approved. Price tag: $181,573
• Motion passed for funding of sheriff’s field deputy position
• Abatement services change order passed to allow additional asbestos removal on Railroad Ave. property
• Discussions concerning:
• courthouse plans (more room for courts, exterior staircase for access from jail),
• move of “for fee” services to Forest Service building and Dispatch to Grainger building;
• Is new juvenile facility needed or not?

AGENDA for the week of July 29, 2024
Monday, July 29, 2024
Join Zoom Audio and Video Meeting ID: 852 4301 9263
Join by phone Audio Only• +1 253 215 8782 Meeting ID: 852 4301 9263
9:00 AM Review Commissioners Agenda and Consent Agenda
9:05 AM Briefing Among Commissioners - Discuss Individual Weekly Meetings & Schedule
9:15 AM Public Comment Period
9:30 AM Commissioner’s Staff Meeting
10:30 AM Public Hearing Budget Supplemental Appropriation CE Juvenile & Superior Court
10:35 AM Public Hearing Budget Supplemental Appropriation Sheriff Special Projects Fund 124
10:40 AM Public Hearing Budget Supplemental Appropriation Treasurer O&M Fund 110
10:45 AM Discussion Subscriber Radio Purchase Request – Chief Mike Worden
11:30 AM Discussion Karpel Contract – Teddy Chow Esther Milner

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Join Zoom Audio & Video Meeting ID: 885 9146 9116 Or
Join Audio Only: +1 253 205 0468 Meeting ID: 885 9146 9116
9:00 AM Review Meeting Minutes
9:15 AM Public Comment Period
9:30 AM Reminder Douglas County Inmate Housing Contract – Raise Costs
9:35 AM Update/Request – Economic Alliance Contract – Roni Holder-Diefenbach
10:00 AM Discussion/Review Courthouse Rehabilitation Interim Plans & Draft Drawings – MJ Neal
11:00 AM Update Public Works-Engineer Josh Thomson
1:30 PM Update County Homeless Housing Plan – West East Scott Ackerson & Katherine Gonzalez
2:30 PM Consent Agenda
1. Call for Bid – Mazama Country Road Paving – Public Works
2. Agreement – Tunk Mtn Fire Hardening Project Crane Services – Ray Poland Sons
3. Addendum – Federally Funded Contracts Provisions - Ray Poland Sons
4. Notice of Termination – Smart Gov Permit Processing Program – Randi Aiken
2:35 PM Approve Meeting Minutes July 22 & 23, 2024
2:45 PM Commissioners to set Wednesday’s Agenda

State, Community and Other Meetings or Notices
(Meetings in this section may not be opened to the public, however a Commissioner may attend one or all of these meetings.
Meetings that more than one Commissioner attend will be noted above. Location of meeting will follow meeting name.)

Wednesday July 31, 2024
9:00 AM Board of Equalization Hearings – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
5:15 PM Community Action Council Meeting – Community Action Council Building

Thursday August 1, 2024
8:00 AM Juvenile Family Therapeutic Courts – Yadi Godina, Belinda Brown Raub
1:30 PM Board of Equalization – Commissioners Hearing Room
6:00 PM FAC (Fair Advisory Committee) Meeting – Commissioners Hearing Room


Aug 05 Solid Waste Advisory Committee – Public Works Conference Room
Aug 07 Safety Committee Monthly Meeting – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Aug 07 Hearing Examiner Meeting – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Aug 08 Alta Vista Irrigation Meeting – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Aug 12 OCOG/RTPO (Okanogan Council of Governments/Regional Transportation Planning Organization) Meeting – 303 2nd Ave S Okanogan
Aug 15 Juvenile Family Therapeutic Courts – Yadi Godina, Belinda Brown Raub – Commissioners’ Rm
Aug 15 Civil Service Meeting – Commissioners’ Hearing Room
Note: All times, are estimates to assist in scheduling and may be changed subject to the business of the day at the board’s discretion. The board may add and/or delete and take any action on any item not included in the above agenda. The board may act upon any subject placed on the agenda regardless of how the matter is stated. All matters listed within the consent agenda have been distributed to each member of the board to read and study. The items are considered routine and will be enacted on by one motion by the commissioners with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, then that item may be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda by request. Items discussed during Citizen Comment Period shall be limited only for issues not otherwise on the Agenda or scheduled discussion topics.