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Kayak in the river below Twisp - people OK

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:44 pm
by tauren
Hey community -- in case anyone sees a light blue kayak floating in the Methow River somewhere below Twisp Park, please know that the paddler is OK and the incident was reported to the sheriff just in case, so it does not cause alarm at a later date.

Read on for a PSA on river safety if you want to know the story:
I witnessed a single kayaker overturn right at the confluence of the Twisp and Methow Rivers on the strong eddy lines. The kayaker couldn't right their boat and re-enter it before being swept down the small chute after the pool at this location, and into the cottonwood strainers on river right. They fortunately climbed safely out of the river at this spot, but their boat floated on upside down. I contacted the party to make sure they were OK. They assured me they were fine, but said "the river can have that boat."

A few minutes after this party, a group of 3 kids came into the same pool. One kid made the ferry across to the take-out, but the other two failed to get across before the current pulled them down the same chute, past the strainers and on down the river (all were OK).

A few reminders to respect the river -- know how eddies affect your boat, know how to set a ferry angle across a swift current, know what strainers are and how to avoid them and deal with them if you can't avoid them, and for heaven's sake wear your pfd!

Thankful for a good outcome,