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Live Music Today!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:15 am
by abrookes
It's everybody's favorite time of year... Spring is in the air - and so are copious drinking, misunderstood traditions, and socially acceptable cultural appropriation!

This St. Patrick's Day, there's a full Celtic music lineup at the Twisp River Tap House this year, including Ilo Oron Curtis, Denali Cool, Sylvie Henry, Pat Hale, and Angus Brookes. So whether you want to celebrate that little bit of Irish luck that hasn't left you yet or just get sloshed (reference the above list of St. Paddy's Day expectations), we'll be there to play sweet, lamenting tunes to ya'.

Evening music runs from 5-8:30, with an additional lunchtime set from Angus Brookes at 1:00. The Tap House will be running food and drink specials including various whiskeys, beers, and corned beef and cabbage. Show is all ages and no cover. Make Margaret Thatcher roll in her grave - of if you'd rather not, póg mo thóin.